Speaking out for mental health

About us

Our charity was set up in 2017 in memory of Jonathan McCartney who tragically took his own life that year.

We aim to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues and to empower people to speak up and reach out for help when they need it. We work closely with organisations to raise awareness and support them to develop better mental health and wellbeing practices in the workplace.

You can find out more about our work here, and if you would like to support us with a donation or fundraising initiative, we would be very grateful.

Do get in touch if you have any questions or feedback, and thank you for your interest. Together we can make a difference…


Give yourself a break!

With our busy always on culture, taking a break, even a summer holiday, can feel like a luxury. It isn’t. It’s a necessity. The idea that we can work increasingly long hours week in, week out without a break and stay productive has long been questioned – whether it was through the factory acts of nearly200 years ago or the more recent legislation to protect workers’ health and safety.

Our corporate partners

Our partners