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Our Work

What do we do

  • Research and disseminate good practice on mental health care, workplace wellbeing and suicide prevention.
  • Seek to engage with organisations to create mentally healthy workplaces.
  • Contribute to the Mental Health pages on the IP (Intellectual Property) Inclusive website.
  • Provide information and resources on the CITMA (Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys) and on the CIPA (Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys) website
  • Participate in national conferences, give presentations, contribute to webinars, webcasts, seminars and interviews.
  • Work with trainees in the intellectual property profession to create resources and support specific to their needs.
  • Promote effective training of Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAs). We financially support the training of MHFAs in cases where there is no other sources of funding.
  • Work with other organisations and charities who broadly share our objectives. In particular, we work in collaboration with the Charlie Waller Trust (https://charliewaller.org/).
  • Respond to invitations from organisations and companies, for example UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), EDF Energy and Nottingham Trent University to encourage mental health initiatives by sharing our story.
  • Give talks to community groups about the importance of mental health and well-being
  • Endeavour to maintain relationships with organisations where we have made a connection, for example Nottingham Forest Community Trust
  • Work with training providers for patent and trade mark p[professionals
  • Actively encourage supporters and others to become Mental Health Champions.
  • Develop a bank of bespoke professionally designed resources available in hard copy or digital format. All our presentations, training and resources are free at the point of delivery.
  • Communicate through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Newsletters
  • Raise funds through donations, sponsored events and other fundraising events. We have been grateful to receive bequests in memory of those who have also lost their lives to suicide.

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