By Vicky Maynard, IP Training and Standards Manager, Marks & Clerk and Penelope Aspinall, Mental Health Consultant, Jonathan’s Voice
Jonathan’s Voice and a small group of dedicated Intellectual Property (IP) support staff volunteers, have worked together to produce this online guide.
Its purpose is to act as a supplement to our other guides which were targeted at Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys and senior leaders in the IP professions. Rather than providing generic information on protecting your mental health, we are focussing on areas specifically relevant to both business support staff* in IP and those who manage them. Its purpose is to enable us to protect our mental wellbeing at work. We hope that this will encourage us all to look out for each other and ultimately empower us to continue to speak out about mental health issues.
*NB By ‘business support staff’ we mean paralegals, formalities, administrative staff, those working in finance, IT, HR and all other roles which support the running of an IP firm.
More general information on looking after your mental health and wellbeing when working in IP can be found on the IP Inclusive Website.
Guided by the survey results and other feedback from support staff, we felt that the most useful way forward in helping protect mental health at work for support staff was to provide practical tips and strategies covering the following key areas.
You may want to work through all the areas or just visit the ones that are most relevant to you. We are always striving to improve so any comments or feedback would be most welcome.
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