Mental Health Awareness Week – Leadership

As Mental Health Awareness week approaches, May 10th to 16th, it’s a good time for us at Jonathan’s Voice to take stock of where we are, particularly in terms of addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

The 24th Annual Global CEO Survey by Price Waterhouse Cooper  reported that CEOs are more concerned than ever about the wellbeing of their teams. Nigel Wilson, CEO of Legal and General, says all organisations need to make the wellbeing of their people a higher priority. He writes, “There is enlightened self-interest in having a highly motivated, healthy, happy workforce. We’re watching our scores on sickness and absence, how people are feeling and how healthy they are. Those are important metrics of a successful firm. We need to look after our people.”

This chimes with the message in our recently published guide for senior leaders. The case for supporting mental health in the workplace for business, financial and, importantly, ethical reasons is compelling. People work better, are happier, more committed and more productive if their mental wellbeing is being cared for. Importantly, as Lee Davies, CEO of CIPA notes, “Leadership is the defining factor in ensuring that the workplace is a safe, welcoming environment.”

The guide describes in practical terms how to create a mentally healthy workplace, how to have a conversation about mental health concerns and how to put in place effective measures to address problems. It is available to download or in hard copy.

In conclusion, “When bosses understand mental health issues — and how to respond to them — it can make all the difference for an employee professionally and personally. This involves taking notice, offering a helping hand, and saying ‘I’m here, I have your back, you are not alone.’” Harvard Business Review

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