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Stevenson Farmer Review

In January 2017, the Prime Minster asked the authors of this report, Paul Farmer and Denis Stevenson, to undertake an independent review of how employers can better support the mental health of all people currently in employment, including those with mental health problems and poor well-being, to remain in and thrive through work.

The report was published in October 2017 and concluded that underneath the stigma that surrounds mental health and prevents open discussion on the subject, the UK faces a significant mental health challenge at work.

One of the key findings is that the stigma of disclosing a mental health condition is still a significant barrier to employees seeking support.

The authors of the report introduced the mental health core standards which they believe all employers could and should meet

  1. Produce, implement and communicate a mental health at work plan
  2. Develop mental health awareness among employees
  3. Encourage open conversations about mental health and the support available when employees are struggling
  4. Provide employees with good working conditions
  5. Promote effective people management
  6. Routinely monitor employee mental health and well-being

The uptake of these core standards has been recommended by the government. The PM said  in October 2017,

We’ll be ensuring that the support is there, I want other employers to do soTheresa May


Jonathan’s Voice whole-heatedly endorses the implementation of these Core Standards and will adopt the following actions

  • We will draw them to the attention of those organizations with whom we have contact.
  • We will work with individuals, groups and organizations in whatever way we can in  working  towards achieving them.
  • We will have a particular focus on developing mental health awareness among employers and employees by making information, tools and support available.
  • We will encourage open conversations about mental health during training, recruitment and throughout employment.


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