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Exploring Anxiety

Thursday December 7th 12.30 – 1.30

There seems to be a lot to be anxious about at the moment and it’s coming at us from all directions along with the Christmas lights and office parties. On Thursday December 7th, 12.30 to 1.30pm, there will a free webinar from Jonathan’s Voice and IP Inclusive dealing with the theme of Anxiety.

The speakers will be three of Jonathan’s Voice highly experienced trainers; Barbara Lawton, Katie Behrens and Mark Fudge. They will help us to get a deeper insight into anxiety: what’s causing it, how it affects our brains and bodies, the impact on our work, especially in IP, and, most importantly, some ideas on how to manage it.

This event is for all UK-based IP professionals who are interested in mental wellbeing. We don’t mind where you work, what role you play there or what career level you’re at. This is an important topic, which touches many and matters to all of us.  You can find out more about the speakers and join here https://ipinclusive.org.uk/events/exploring-anxiety/

If you are not an IP professional but would like to join the webinar please contact val@jonathansvoice.org.uk

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