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Running for Jonathan’s Voice

During September and October, supporters of Jonathan’s Voice, Jess Samuels, Tony Tang, Liu Yang and Rachel Culverwell (pictured) have all been involved in half marathon events to raise money for the charity. All of the runners successfully completed their events and all at least doubled the amount they had set to raise through sponsorship.

In September, Jess Samuels from Southwell ran the Robin Hood half marathon in Nottingham. This was Jess’s first half marathon but she has already signed up for next year! Tony Tang and Liu Yang ran in the Oxford half marathon and on the same day that Rachel Culverwell, CITMA paralegal at Keltie, ran in the Great South Run. Not only did they all finish but even mentioned they enjoyed bits of it! The total raised from these events was an amazing £1,650 which is a fantastic achievement. We are deeply grateful to all the runners and their sponsors and supporters. 

If you would like to support Jonathan’s Voice through running or any other event, please do get in touch. val@jonathansvoice.org.uk

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