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February CITMA quiz

In February CITMA (Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys) held their annual charity quiz. The victorious team was from Abel and Imray with a perfect score. The quiz raised £2830.70 through raffle ticket sales and teams’ entry costs. We were delighted to learn that half that amount was donated to Jonathan’s Voice, the winning team’s chosen charity. The other half will go to the CITMA Benevolent Fund. We are very grateful to Abel and Imray for their donation and to CITMA who organised the quiz.

There were 118 quizzers across 20 teams who gathered at a wine bar in central London for the competition. Made up of nine rounds, the quiz picked the contestants’ brains on a range of topics including Disney music and Greek mythology. Congratulations to the Abel and Imray team for getting all the correct answers!

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