Inclusivity Unlocked – “top tips”

During the Autumn 2022, IP Inclusive organised a series of webinars on the theme of making sure that everybody feels included in the workplace, particularly after the changes in work patterns following Covid. Under the umbrella title “Inclusivity Unlocked” the following webinars took place

Leaving no one behind

What’s for Starters – a joint event with Jonathan’s Voice to support the mental wellbeing for early career IP professionals

Taking the long view – tackling the causes of stress and anxiety by managing workloads.

Harnessing Hybrid.

From each of the webinars practical “top tips” were generated separately for organizations, individuals and managers. These are presented in a clear, easy to digest format and can be read here

Do take a look if you’ve not already done so.

Jonathan’s Voice was delighted to be involved in this series of webinars and are grateful to colleagues at IP Inclusive for their hard work and for the very practical tips that have been the outcome.

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