Looking after yourself at Christmas

Christmas can be a time of happiness and spending time with loved ones and having a period of leave from work. But it can also be lonely and stressful. It can be a time when you most miss those you have lost. The following strategies may be helpful for you to navigate your way around the festive period.

  • Talk about your feelings: it can be difficult to say you don’t feel great especially as many people feel it is an exciting time of the year. If you are able to find someone with whom you can share your feelings, this can be a big help.
  • Keep in touch: your family and friends can make you feel included and cared for. They can provide you with help with what might be going on in your head as they know you well.
  • Do something you are good at: Try and celebrate and actually do something you are good at and enjoy. This might be baking for Christmas or organising a holiday for yourself – having something to look forward to.
  • Accept who you are: If you don’t really like Christmas admit it, there are many more like you than you think. Don’t feel under pressure to do more than you feel happy with.
  • Drink sensibly and eat well: some people eat and drink to deal with loneliness. Enjoy socialising with friends and family but remember to know your limits.
  • Keep active: it is important to get regular exercise. Research has shown that exercise releases chemicals that make you feel good. Maybe try a walk on a sunny crisp morning.
  • Care for others:   Giving presents to family and friends can be a way of showing you care.  You can also show care by giving up your time. Perhaps there is someone who’d really welcome a phone call, quick email or a text. This may bring you closer together

We hope these ideas may help you to navigate successfully the festive period.

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