Men’s mental health in the legal profession

Why don’t men in law speak up about mental health? LawCare, the legal mental health charity has recently released the findings of its all-male focus group which met to understand the needs of men in law in relation to mental health support in the workplace. Elizabeth Rimmer, Chief Executive of LawCare, noted: “The recommendations of this report make it clear that there needs to be a joined up and concerted effort across the profession to challenge the stigma that prevents men from speaking up about their mental health and seeking support.”

One of the objectives of Jonathan’s Voice is to reduce the stigma that still surrounds mental health and enable people, particularly men, to speak out.  We welcome this report but note with sadness that “Despite the increased awareness and understanding of mental health in legal workplaces, there remain significant barriers to men seeking support.” There is still much work to be done. Jonathan’s Voice is committed to working with LawCare and all those who seek to improve the health and wellbeing of people in the workplace.

We can provide training and consultancy to organizations to support mental health and wellbeing that is delivered by experienced and well qualified mental health professionals

You can download the full report here lawcare-men-s-mental-health-focus-group-july-2022.pdf

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