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Mental Health in Legal Workplaces 

One of the founding aims of Jonathan’s Voice is to promote mentally healthy workplaces where people can thrive and speak up about mental health and well-being without any fear of stigma. Jonathan’s voice has a focus on those who work in the intellectual property profession. Our surveys show that members of that profession experience similar challenges to their mental health and well-being at work as do lawyers.

 In a recent press release, LawCare states:

“This World Mental Health Day let’s protect mental health in legal workplaces

LawCare, the mental wellbeing charity for the legal community, has seen a 24% increase in the number of legal professionals contacting them for support. This is based on the number of contacts from January to August 2023, compared with the same period in 2022.

Legal professionals are overwhelmed and stressed, and these mental health concerns can be exacerbated or caused by the work environment. These are tough times for legal professionals adjusting to a post pandemic world, against a backdrop of the global financial crisis, with heavy workloads, unrealistic targets and a workplace culture where there is still stigma about being open and honest about your mental health. The increased demand for support from LawCare reflects the increasing pressures of day-to-day life in the law and the lack of protection of mental health in the legal workplace.

People have the right to have their mental health protected in the legal workplace

In light of this increased demand for support, LawCare wants to encourage employers to do more to create mentally healthy workplaces and protect mental health. 

On World Mental Health Day (Tuesday 10 October), LawCare are launching new guidance for employers to help them take steps to protect mental health at work by reducing the risks legal professionals face to their mental health at work, also known as psychosocial risks, rather than waiting until mental health issues have arisen. See: www.lawcare.org.uk/get-information/articles/creating-a-mentally-healthy-workplace/. “

If you are a lawyer, including an IP professional at any level, you can contact LawCare’s helpline 0800 279 6888, email support@lawcare.org.uk or access online chat and other resources at www.lawcare.org.uk.

Thank you LawCare and Elizabeth Rimmer C.E.O for restating the need to move from a support based approach to mental health to a risk based approach. Jonathan’s Voice heartily endorses this.

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