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Publication of the research undertaken at the Suicidal Behaviour Laboratory, University of Glasgow

Many of the friends and supporters of Jonathan’s Voice will know that the charity part funds the research of Susie Bennett into male suicide at the Suicidal Behaviour Laboratory, University of Glasgow. https://jonathansvoice.org.uk/research-we-fund There have been regular updates in our Newsletter and on this website.

In recent weeks, Susie has had some excellent news about publications based on the research that we want to share with you. She has had a paper published in a very prestigious journal, Psychological Bulletin, which is a great achievement in itself, but furthermore the editor described her paper as “a masterpiece” and Susie has subsequently been informed that it has been made “an editor’s choice” article. This is a high accolade and means it is accessible to anyone. Susie has now had a further paper published in a different journal which is about establishing research priorities for investigating male suicide.

Susie has been a most committed and extremely hardworking researcher and also a great friend and supporter of Jonathan’s Voice. Those who have specifically donated to and raised money for Susie’s research can be fully assured that the money was most wisely used.

 Our intention is to work with Susie to turn her outcomes into practical resources that will have direct relevance to the men who find themselves in such dark places that they may see only one way out, and to those who seek to support them. The publication of Susie’s work in such prestigious journals assures us that the work undertaken is based on sound and tested evidence. Thank you to Susie and many congratulations on your achievements.

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