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The Great Outdoors

Jonathan loved to be outdoors and was particularly pleased to have completed the Coast to Coast Walk with his best friend Chris at the end of their time in Durham. Quite an achievement when carrying all the gear and camping every night! They look pretty happy in the picture – tired but relaxed. It’s sometimes hard to keep the exercise going when you’re really busy and there just seems so much to do. However, it’s recognized that exercise improves mood and a sense of well-being. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/mental-benefits-of-exercise/#how-exercise-helps-your-mental-

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In recent weeks, people have been out and about training for sponsored events. David, Sarah, Oliver (3) and Joshua (11 months) successfully completed the Blenheim 5 mile run. It is true that some of the party needed to take time out in the running buggy.

A group from Haseltine Lake and other supporters have entered the Bristol 10km and Chloe is training very hard for the Iron Man Triathlon in Bolton on July 14th. Good luck to you all!

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