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World Suicide Prevention Day September 10th 2022

Creating hope through action

Once again Creating hope through action is the theme for the day. It builds on last year when the National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA) and others explored the rich and complicated idea of ‘hope’ in suicide prevention. This year the team at NSPA wanted to explore more about the actions that can create hope.  They write “We believe that actions, however small, can create hope. We respect that hope can be complex and personal and that people have different views of what hope means, and different relationships to it. Some find it inspiring; others can feel isolated and unheard by a pressure to feel hopeful.”

NSPA invited their organisational members to share the direct actions they are taking to build hope among the people they work with or support. Jonathan’s Voice, a member of NSPA, was pleased to be able to contribute. You can view our contribution and the inspiring and thoughtful collection of short videos, songs, thoughts and photos about hope on  ‘Creating hope through action’ Miro board here Please do take a look.

Some individuals responded to NSPA with their own personal reflections. Katie, NSPA Lived Experience Influencer wrote,

Happiness, Optimism, Perseverance, Empathy are the path to hope for me”

Hope is the light when you feel darkness. Sometimes it can feel that hope is an expectation forced upon you. You’re told that there is light at the end of tunnel but your vision is impaired so you can’t see it. It’s okay to not feel hopeful for the future just as much as it’s okay to not be okay. Hope is fluid, it changes all the time. Sometimes one feels it, other times we live in despair and darkness consumes us. There is no set path to finding hope but resilience and perseverance is what drives us to find the light when in our minds it’s gone out. Through the times of despair, we seek reassurance from others. We take up new adventures that create a better life for others because our own experiences in life can help change the world we live in.  Actions speak louder than words. The good we do in society gives hope for a better future. It gives individuals a sense of success in their own lives if they can give back to their communities. This might not be for everyone but that’s the point. It’s about finding what works for you as an individual. It’s your own journey, be proud of that every single day no matter how small your leap is, whether that’s getting dressed, going for a walk, writing letters, holding up a sign. Every action you take shows optimism and courage to keep going and when you don’t feel you can fight you’re not alone. Seek help and lean on others because hope is all around us. 

Jonathan’s Voice will continue to challenge stigma and support mental health and wellbeing in the workplace and elsewhere. We will acknowledge the diverse ways that those who have been bereaved by suicide and those with suicidal thoughts experience their pain.
Val McCartney

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